Thursday, October 28, 2010

American Red Cross Blood Drive Results!

HMUMC Blood Drive Success

Thank you to our pastors, our church staff, and all of our church family for making this year’s Autumn Blood Drive such a success!  The support we received was amazing and many people will benefit in life saving and life changing ways from your time and gifts.

On behalf of the Red Cross, thank you to all those who donated and tried to donate ( a special thank you to all our double red donors!) The Red Cross collected 52 units of blood on October 25th.

I especially want to thank the volunteers who worked before and during the day of the blood drive—none of this is possible without you.

Thank you and may God bless you all,

Pat Erwin

(Coordinator for the HMUMC Red Cross Blood Drive)

Wednesday Night Supper - November 3rd

Wednesday Night Fellowship Supper

Please join other members and guests for dinner and fellowship

every Wednesday night from 5:30pm–6:30pm. Complete the

reservation form in your bulletin, register online at the church’s

website, or call the church office at 770-271-8855, ext 114 no later

than noon Monday. Pay at the door. Adults $6 each, children 3-10

years $3 each and children two and under eat free.

Maximum cost per family is $20.

The meal for November 3, 2010 is: BBQ Chicken, Corn, Baked Beans, and Salad Bar

Thursday, October 21, 2010

American Red Cross Fall Blood Drive October 25th

Red Cross Fall Blood Drive Monday, October 25

The annual HMUMC Blood Drive is from 2:00pm - 7:00pm in the

Great Room. Sign up online at using passcode:

hamumc (all lower case)or sign up in the Narthex TODAY. Bring

your Red Cross donor card or a photo ID when you make your

donation. Volunteers are needed to work in 2-hour shifts with

registration and manning the canteen. Contact Pat Erwin at 770

307-1645 or

Fall Festival Wednesday October 27th!

Fall Festival This Wednesday Night

October 27, 2010

Chili Cook Off Judging: 5:00pm

Enter your pot of chili in our contest.

Fellowship Supper: 5:30pm-7:00pm

Chili Bar, Baked Potato Bar, Salad Bar and Hotdogs

Trunk-or-Treat: 5:30pm-6:30pm

There will be a contest for the best decorated trunk!

Youth & Puppets Presentation: 6:00pm and again at 6:30pm

Molly Moore and her VBS Crew will lead music.

Pastor Dave and his puppet team will present a relevant message.

Middle & High School Students: 6:30pm-8:00pm

Costume party in The Shed

Trunk or Treating and entertainment are complimentary.

Pay at the Door for dinner. Adults $6 each, children 3-10 years $3

and children 2 and under eat free. Maximum cost per family is $20.

Complete the reservation insert in your bulletin and place it in the

offering plate or register online at or call the

church office by noon Monday, October 25 at 770-271-8855 ext. 114.

For more details, contact Renee Dickhute at

or David Sine at You won’t want to miss it!

Starting Point for visitors and new members of HMUMC

Starting Point - Wednesday, November 3 from 6:45pm-8:15pm

Join us for our 1st session. If you are a visitor or a recent new

member, our three-session newcomers class gathers November 3,

10 and 17 to teach and help you explore ways to become disciples of

Jesus Christ here at HMUMC. A new three-session newcomers class

gathers in January 2011. To register, go online to,

click ‘I’m New to HMUMC’, then click ‘Starting Point’.

Fall Festival Wednesday Night October 27th!

Fall Festival This Wednesday Night

October 27, 2010

Chili Cook Off Judging: 5:00pm

Enter your pot of chili in our contest.

Fellowship Supper: 5:30pm-7:00pm

Chili Bar, Baked Potato Bar, Salad Bar and Hotdogs

Trunk-or-Treat: 5:30pm-6:30pm

There will be a contest for the best decorated trunk!

Youth & Puppets Presentation: 6:00pm and again at 6:30pm

Molly Moore and her VBS Crew will lead music.

Pastor Dave and his puppet team will present a relevant message.

Middle & High School Students: 6:30pm-8:00pm

Costume party in The Shed

Trunk or Treating and entertainment are complimentary.

Pay at the Door for dinner. Adults $6 each, children 3-10 years $3

and children 2 and under eat free. Maximum cost per family is $20.

Complete the reservation insert in your bulletin and place it in the

offering plate or register online at or call the

church office by noon Monday, October 25 at 770-271-8855 ext. 114.

For more details, contact Renee Dickhute at

or David Sine at You won’t want to miss it!

Healing Service October 24th

Service and Healing and Prayer October 24th at 7:00pm

God has called us, His church, to walk with each other through

good times and hard times. We invite you and your friends to a

Service of Healing and Prayer led by Dr. Dave Davis and Pastor

Jason Mincey tonight at 7:00pm in the Sanctuary.