Sunday, December 4, 2011

Make Christmas Special for Our Pantry Patrons


Give the gift of a Christmas dinner to one or more families who depend on The HMUMC Food Pantry. Your donation of $35.00 will help purchase a complete meal that will feed a family of 4-6 with a ham or a turkey and all the trimmings! Please order online at by Wednesday, December 14, and place a check in the offering plate with "Christmas Dinner" on the memo line.

Items Are Needed for The Food Pantry


We need to fill our shelves for the holidays. Please donate boxed starches, canned meats, vegetables, fruits, peanut butter, and jelly. Donation bins are located just inside the portico entrance by the Great Room. Thank you for your continued support!

Women's Ministry Thank You!


Thank you does not seem like enough to say for all the volunteers who made the Women’s Christmas Dinner so special this year, but it is all I know to say! Over 80 people volunteered, the hostesses who decorated the tables, the wonderful waiters who served the ladies, Jason Acega, Jason Landers and Donald Lowry who sang and Joshua and Caleb Arcega and Scott Rear who were musicians. A very special thank you to Debbie Garmon, Kathee Hawkins and Denise Hopkins whose help was just great both days. Rev. Diane Parrish brought us a wonderful message, let’s all remember to leave Christ in Christmas this year and keep Him first in our lives every day of 2012.

Again, many thanks for all your hard work to make this event so special!

In His Service,

Harvey Mann