Wednesday, July 27, 2011



The FX LIVE Team is presenting two identical programs in the Great Room on Wednesday, August 17 at 6:30pm and Sunday, August 21 at 4:00pm. Join us on either of these dates as we begin the fall season with snacks, music and a fun, interactive, multi-media worship experience designed for kids and their families of all ages!

FX LIVE..."Where kids bring their parents to worship"

United Methodist Men Meeting - August 15


United Methodist Men Meeting - August 15

Attention all HMUMC men: Our regularly scheduled monthly meeting is Monday, August 15 at 7:00pm, and every 3rd Monday in the Great Room. Come to make some new friends as you enjoy a great dinner, warm fellowship, and a relevant message - it won't cost you a penny, so make plans to join us!

Kickoff Cookout - August 14


What do you get when you collide "Sundae Sunday" with the HMUMC Annual Church Picnic? You get a Kickoff Cookout!
Join us here on the church grounds for our first annual Kickoff Cookout from 5:00-7:00pm Sunday, August 14. This "don't miss" event includes hamburgers, hotdogs, moonwalks, music, games, punt/pass/kick competition, homemade ice cream contest (with tasting), and your chance to view and sign up for fall ministries available at HMUMC! Church members and regular attendees are asked to bring a side dish to share, and for other guests to just come and enjoy this time of fellowship. What a special day this will be for our church family and community to gather together!

HMUMC Wellness Ministry - First Hike August 13


HMUMC Wellness Ministry - First Hike August 13
Take A Hike! Seriously though...the Hamilton Mill United Methodist Church Wellness Ministry is proud to announce the launching of a new Hiking Club, headed up by Cory Blockmon, an avid hiker, personal trainer and former Braves minor league pitcher. The first HMUMC Hike will be Saturday, August 13th at Panther Creek. If you are interested, e-mail Cory at

Starting Point Orientation Class - August 7


Starting Point Orientation Class - August 7
Starting Point is held on Sundays at 9:30am in Modular Room A-6. This four-week orientation class is offered six times per year for those considering membership at HMUMC. It is also designed to teach and help you explore ways to grow deeper in your faith and make some new friends. Our next session begins August 7. Visit to register for this class or one of the upcoming 2011 classes. Click "I'm new to HMUMC," and then click "Starting Point."

F.Y.I. 55+ Luncheon - August 1


La Vie en Rose Luncheon - August 1

Join us in the Sanctuary at noon on Monday, August 1 for our French-themed La Vie en Rose Luncheon for food, fellowship, and Electronic BINGO! Break away from the dog days of summer and enjoy fun with your brothers and sisters in the Lord. R.S.V.P. by Friday, July 29 (cut-off date) to Robert Pitt or 404-395-3956 so we can be sure to have enough food for everyone.

Early Response Team

July 31, 2:00-6:00pm - Introduction to the Early Response Team
September 17, 9:00am-5:00pm - Certification Training
Mike Yoder from the North Georgia Conference is the trainer for both sessions. Both sessions are required for individual certification for those wanting to join the HMUMC ERT. For more information, visit the church website or call Chuck McPherson at 770-945-1039.

Angel Food Ministries


Join us Saturday, July 30 at 7:30am in the Great Room and experience the way Angel Food Ministries helps the community! We need anyone that enjoys "smiling" and "serving others," and we look forward to seeing you there.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Mother's Morning Out added another 19-23 Tuesday/Thursday month old class for the fall and a few spaces remain in our 12-18 month old class.

Mother's Morning Out is currently registering for the fall. We are excited that we able to serve more children by adding another 19-23 Tuesday/Thursday month class! Currently we still also have a few available openings in our 12-18 month old class. Contact Amy Stokes at 770-271-8855 ext. 302 or email for further information or to schedule a tour. 

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Angel Food Ministries is Growing!


Please help us continue growing by
ordering a box of food for yourself
or someone in need. Our $35 “Bread of Life Box” is enough
food to serve a family of four for one week! Place your order by
Sunday, July 24 and pick it up is the following Saturday, July 30.
Order on line at under Angel Food, or bring
your check to the churchs’ front office.

Take A Hike! Seriously though...


The HMUMC Wellness Ministry is proud to announce the
launching of a new Hiking Club headed up by Cory Blockmon;
an avid hiker, personal trainer and former Atlanta Braves minor
league pitcher. The first HMUMC Hike will be Saturday, August
13 at Panther Creek. Meet Cory in Church on July 24 at our 9:30am
and 11:00am worship services. If you are interested, email Cory at

The (NFL) Nifty-Fifty Ladies Thursday Luncheon


July 21 at 12:30pm at The Diner at Sugar Hill located at 4500
Nelson Brogdon Blvd. in Sugar Hill, GA. All ladies are invited to
attend no matter which side of “50” you are on. To join the group
for lunch, contact Linda Headley at 770-932-0060 or ljheadley@

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hamilton Mill Student Ministry

Hamilton Mill Student Ministry

July 13: Six Flags trip
Depart church 9am, return 11pm
$27 per ticket due to Paul or Traci by 7/11
Students responsible for food and incidentals.

July 20-23 Mission Trip to Pleasant Grove, Al.
See for details
If you're going...SIGN UP!

July 27: Helen Tubing trip
Depart church 8am, return 8pm
$20 due to Paul or Traci by July 25th
Includes tubing, water park, and lunch.
Bring $$ for fast food dinner.

*Please make sure we have a medical release form on file for each student. Contact Traci Lowry at to have one emailed to you.

See you soon!