Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Upward Cheer and Basketball Camps

Upward Cheer and Basketball Camps

The Upward ministry continues to grow and offers a wonderful

opportunity for children to participate in sports while sharing the

Word of Jesus! Cheer camp is July 11-15. Basketball camp is July

25-29. Registration forms and a box marked “Upward” for you

to place your completed form and fee are at the Welcome Center.

You may also place your form and fee in Cathy Farnie’s in-box

located in the church’s front office. For more information, contact

Cathy Farnie at Cathy.Farnie@HMUMC.org or 770-842-9171.

Women's Summer Refresher July 16


Women’s Summer Refresher July 16

Do you ever feel like you are missing the party? Join us in the

Sanctuary from 9:15am-1:30pm as Beverly Neville shares about

“Missing the Party” and helps us examine the story of the

Prodigal Son, his brother, and how God restores relationships.

The day includes time spent with other ladies of our church and

community, while enjoying fellowship, a great lunch and an

inspirational speaker.

Blood Drive Results!



On behalf of the Red Cross and all those who will receive the gift of blood from the donors at HMUMC--thank you!.  Summer is always a time of extreme need for blood and due to your generosity and willingness to give of yourselves and your time (and especially to our first time donors who worked up the courage to donate) we collected 48 units of blood. 

None of this happens without the support of our pastors and church staff and the volunteers who worked before and the day of the drive.  Those who donated (or tried to donate) blood are our heroes and it is a blessing to see God working through them to anonymously help someone in need of this great gift.

Thank you once again,

Pat Erwin (Coordinator of Red Cross Blood Drive at HMUMC)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Putt for the Pantry Raised over $2,000.00 for the Pantry!


Thank you to everyone who helped 79 golfers enjoy a day of

golf and fellowship while raising over $2,000 for the HMUMC

Food Pantry. Special thanks to Mike Barry, Richard Avery, Doris

Walker, Tom Carson, and Candy Curtis for their hard work

pulling this special day off. Thank you to Marty Still, Kathy

Thompson, Allison Avery, Molly Moore, Sarah Beth Moore, and

Candler Curtis for their help, and to the UM Men for cooking

lunch. Planning for 2012 has already begun! Until then, contact

John Boozer@john_boozer@yahoo.com to volunteer for The


Is God Calling You to be a Stephen Minister?


Stephen Ministry is a one-on-one Christian care-giving ministry,

where trained and committed lay servants reach out to people

struggling with difficult life circumstances. If you think that God

may be calling you to serve in this way, and you would like to

hear more about Stephen Ministry at HMUMC, please come to

a 20-30 minute informational meeting right after the 11:00am

worship service on Sunday, June 26, upstairs in Room 339.

United Methodist Men's Meeting


Attention all HMUMC men: Our regularly scheduled monthly

meeting is Monday, June 20 at 7:00pm, and every 3rd Monday in

the Great Room. Come to make some new friends as you enjoy a

great dinner, warm fellowship, and a relevant message – It won’t

cost you a penny, so make plans to join us!

Grief Share


Grief Share

Grief recovery is a painful process. Join Barbara and Warren Goss

as they lead a new session of Grief Share beginning Sunday at

5:30pm in Modular Room A-6, where you will benefit from the

support, understanding and prayers of others.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Summer Volunteer Opportunities


There are many ways to volunteer and show others the love of

Jesus Christ. Contact Robin Boozer at robin.boozer@hmumc.org.

Hospitality Host/Hostess: Greet guests at the Welcome Center

each Sunday before services.

Card Writer: Once a month in the comfort of your home, write a

card to those on the prayer list.

Greeter: One Sunday per month to greet incoming guests at one

of the church entry doors before the 9:30am worship service.

Receptionist: Pick a day or more Monday-Thursday and assist

the church staff by answering the phones.

Meal Provider: Once or twice a quarter prepare a home-cooked

meal for church families in need.

Coffee Host/Hostess: One Sunday per month, assist with the

Sunday Morning Coffee Break between the 9:30am and 11:00am

worship services.

• 10 Minute Party Host/Hostess: Select a worship service and

welcome guests afterwards at our lemonade and cookie reception.

HMUMC Preschool Openings


Some openings are still available in the four and five year old

classes for the 2011-12 school year. There is a waiting list for the

two and three year old classes. To enroll your child, or add them

to the waiting list, call the Preschool at 770-271-2783 for details.

HMUMC Day at the Gwinnett Braves Game


Join us for baseball and fellowship Sunday, July 10 at Coolray

Field for a 2:05pm game. Our very own HMUMC Men’s Quartet

is singing the National Anthem. Purchase tickets at $10.00

each online at www.hmumc.org, or on Sunday morning at the

Welcome Center by June 12. For more details, contact Candy

Curtis at 404-452-8217.

The (NFL) Nifty-Fifty Ladies Thursday Luncheon


June 16 at 12:30pm at The Olive Garden located at 3220 Buford

Drive in Buford, GA (across from the Mall of Ga). All ladies are

invited to attend no matter which side of “50” you are on. To join

the group for lunch, contact Linda Headley at 770-932-0060 or
