Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mill Creek FCA Dessert

This Sunday (27th) the Mill Creek FCA is hosting a dessert from 7:00 – 8:00 to introduce Scott Bull, the new FCA staff person for Mill Creek, Buford, and Mountain View High Schools.  Everyone is invited and you don’t need to bring a thing!  Just show up in the Field House at 7:00!


 Sunday, February 27th


    The Field House


        Mill Creek H.S.


 7:00 – 8:00pm

o need to bring anything; just come and meet FCA’s new staff member for Mill Creek High School.

Scott Bull - Area Representative for Fellowship of Christian Athletes /    678-699-0586 /

Zone Three – Buford High School / Mill Creek High School / Mountain View High School

   Scott Bull recently came on staff with FCA and is the Area Representative for Zone Three:  Buford, Mill Creek, and Mountain View High Schools.  Scott brings with him 17 years of student ministry experience and a

background in several sports.

Scott loves the Gospel and is excited about ministering to coaches & athletes, here in his own back yard!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Red Cross Spring Blood Drive

Red Cross Spring Blood Drive Monday, March 7

The annual HMUMC Blood Drive is from 1:00pm - 7:00pm in the Great Room. Sign up online at using passcode: hamumc (all lower case) or sign up in the Narthex before or after worship services on February 27, and March 6. Bring your Red Cross donor card or a photo ID when you make your donation. Volunteers are needed to work in 2-hour shifts with registration and manning the canteen. Contact Pat Erwin at 770 307-1645 or

Ash Wednesday Service

Ash Wednesday Service: Wednesday, March 9 at 7:00pm. There will be no evening programs or Wednesday Night Fellowship Dinner in observance of the beginning of Lent.

Shrove Pancake Supper

Shrove Pancake Supper: Tuesday, March 8 from 5:30pm-6:30pm. Pastor Dave and his faithful helpers will prepare a traditional Tuesday night Shrove pancake supper. Johnny Knapp and his jazz trio will provide entertainment for the evening and the Seekers Sunday School Class will be trading cookies for non-perishable food items for The Pantry. If you are planning a 40-day fast for Lent, this may be your last and best chance to eat well before Easter! The supper is free!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Starting Point Classes

Starting Point - Sundays at 9:30am in Modular Room A-6

This four-week orientation class is offered six times per year for those

considering membership at HMUMC. It’s also designed to teach

and help you explore ways to grow deeper in your faith and make

some new friends. Our next session begins March 6. Visit www. to register for this class or one of the upcoming 2011

classes. Click ‘I’m New to HMUMC’ and click ‘Starting Point’.

United Methodist Men's Meeting

United Methodist Men’s Meeting

Attention all HMUMC men: Our regularly scheduled monthly

meeting is Monday, February 21 at 7:00pm, and every 3rd Monday

in the Great Room. Come to make some new friends as you enjoy

a great dinner, warm fellowship, and a relevant message – It

won’t cost you a penny, so make plans to join us!

Grief Share - New Day and Times

If you’ve lost a spouse, child, family member or friend, you’ve

probably found there are not many people who understand the

deep hurt you feel as a result of their death. Find weekly support

to help you face these challenges and move forward with your life

and join Warren and Barbara Goss Sundays at 5:30pm in Modular

Room A-1. Visit our website for more information or contact

Harvey Mann at

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Decision For Christ - Confirmation Classes

Decision For Christ (Confirmation Classes)

If you are a youth from 6th-12th grade and have not previously

taken Confirmation/DC Classes, you are invited to participate

in this six-week program in The Shed from 4:00pm-5:30pm

beginning this Sunday, February 13 through Sunday, March 20. DC

Sunday is March 27. To sign-up, email our Director of Student

Ministries, Paul Knight at

Saturday, February 5, 2011

"Wait No More: Finding Families for Georgia's Waiting Kids."

The Georgia Department of Family and Children’s Services, partnered with Focus on the Family ministries, is sponsoring a wonderful and challenging session from 10am to 2pm on Feb. 26th at Victory World Church, 5905 Brook Hollow Pkwy, Norcross, GA.   It is called “Wait No More: Finding Families for Georgia’s Waiting Kids.”  There are thousands of children in the foster care system in Georgia, but most people do not know that 1,500 of these children are ready and waiting today to be adopted.  State adoption is a very different matter from private adoption; for one thing, the state picks up the lion’s share of the costs involved.  Please publicize this event to your congregations and encourage them to visit the website to register or for more information


God has made it clear that we are to take special care of the orphaned, and here are hundreds of children in our midst who do not know what it means to have a family; many will age out of the foster care system and will never know.  Surely the 14,000 churches in our state can make a difference in that number!